You can mange your DHCP server with LAM. It supports to manage subnets, fixed IP entries, IP ranges and DDNS.


The DHCP management can be activated by adding the account type DHCP to your server profile. Please also add the DHCP modules.

LAM requires that you use an LDAP entry with the object class "dhcpService" or "dhcpServer" as suffix for this account type. If the "dhcpServer" entry points to a "dhcpService" entry via "dhcpServiceDN" then you need to use the DN of the "dhcpService" entry as LDAP suffix for DHCP.

Add account type:

Set suffix:

Add modules:

Example server entry:

dn: cn=server,ou=dhcp,dc=ldap-account-manager,dc=org

objectclass: dhcpServer

objectclass: dhcpOptions

objectclass: top

cn: server

dhcpcomments: My DHCP server

dhcpoption: domain-name "ldap-account-manager.org"

dhcpoption: domain-name-servers

dhcpoption: routers

dhcpoption: netbios-name-servers

dhcpoption: subnet-mask

dhcpoption: netbios-node-type 8

dhcpstatements: default-lease-time 3600

dhcpstatements: max-lease-time 7200

dhcpstatements: include "mykey"

dhcpstatements: ddns-update-style interim

dhcpstatements: update-static-leases true

dhcpstatements: ignore client-updates

Example settings for dhcpd.conf:

ddns-update-style none;

deny unknown-clients;

ldap-server "server";

ldap-dhcp-server-cn "server";

ldap-port 389;

ldap-username "uid=dhcp,ou=people,dc=ldap-account-manager,dc=org";

ldap-password "{SSHA}XXXXXXXXXXXX";

ldap-base-dn "ou=dhcp,dc=ldap-account-manager,dc=org";

ldap-method dynamic;

ldap-debug-file "/var/log/dhcp-ldap-startup.log";

slapd.conf changes:

include /etc/ldap/schema/dhcp.schema

index dhcpHWAddress eq

index dhcpClassData eq

Run slapindex to rebuild the index.

You can manage the settings of your DHCP service/server entry:

You can easily create new subnet entries.

It is also possible to specify a list of fixed IPs.

IP ranges may be specified.

If you use failover pools for your IP ranges please use the pool options on the bottom. Here you can add DHCP pools (object class "dhcpPool") and specify the failover peer.

If you activated DDNS in the server entry then you may also specify the DDNS settings for this subnet.